“Teaching art is not the same as creating yourself,” said Alice Young, 32, describing her transition from an art teacher to creator of high quality leather handbags and their accessories. Her leather products are made from repurposed leather. Formerly, Alice … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2021
Portland Assistant City Manager Steps Down for Health Reasons
Portland Assistant City Manager Heather Brown announced today that she is stepping down from her role for health reasons. She has been on medical leave since June. Brown will not be able to return to work full time until next … Continue reading
UPDATED: ACLU, AFL-C10, League of Women Voters, Maine Small Business Coalition, Among Groups Submitting Briefs in Support of Hazard Pay Lawsuit
On March 26, 2021, ten groups and businesses filed two amicus briefs in support of the Whole Foods workers who intervened to protect rights of Portland voters to petition their government and of workers to receive the wages that 63% … Continue reading
Rally for Multiracial Solidarity Against White Supremacy Draws Hundreds
“I am fed up…I am fired up,” Marpheen Chann, told several hundred people at a rally yesterday afternoon in front of City Hall. The goal was to raise awareness and demand action to stop anti-Asian racism and xenophobia and build … Continue reading
Portland Beers Valued for Their Diversity Say Imbibers
Portland beer drinkers were out in large numbers today in part because the weather is moderating making it more pleasant to be outside enjoying a favorite beverage or two. Despite Governor Mills’ recent relaxation on indoor drinking at tasting rooms, … Continue reading
Sneak Peak Inside Onggi Expected for Saturday, April 3nd
Portlanders are in for a delightful experience next week when the three owners of Onggi invite neighbors in to meet them and sample some baked goods from their new “Food Counter” located at 93 Washington Avenue on the east end … Continue reading
Portlander Selected for Guard Historian Scholar-in-Residence Program
Portland resident Captain Jonathan Bratten has been selected as the US Army Center of Miilary History’s first Scholar- in-Residence at West Point, New York according to a press release issued by the Maine National Guard today. A published author, Bratten … Continue reading
United Airlines Adds Six Non-Stop Flights to Midwest
United Airlines is expanding its flights from the Portland International Jetport with six new non-stop destinations to the Midwest. The new destinations are Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and Pittsburgh. The new flights start on May 27, 2021. These six … Continue reading
Congress Square Intersection Getting a Redesign
The Congress Square intersection is getting a facelift. Phase one of the redesign will reconfigure the intersection of Congress, High and Free Streets to improve traffic operations and safety, improve pedestrian accessibility, upgrade signal equipment and provide streetscape improvements. As … Continue reading
Maine Center Receives Gift from Bobby Monks
Cape Elizabeth resident Bobby Monks and Bonnie Porta have given a $1 million gift to the University of Maine Graduate & Professional Center. The gift will be used to support the Maine Center’s mission to prepare leaders for Maine through … Continue reading