By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,352) Early last week, the Portland City Council voted 5 – 4 to adopt the Brenerman/Costa amendment to the 2015-16 budget.- it provides General Assistance for asylum seekers receiving aid as of June 30, 2015. … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: June 2015
Augusta Votes for PUC to Develop Solar Policy & Override LePage
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,351) The Maine State Legislature voted today override Governor LePage’s veto of a Resolve aimed at developing a comprehensive solar policy for Maine. The vote, today was a bipartisan vote. The Maine House vote was … Continue reading
‘New Yard’ in Final Stage of Development on Waterfront; ‘Science Center’ Coming
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,350) “This application is the fulfillment of our original plan that was interrupted by Maine DOT,” said Phin Sprague, Jr., this afternoon at his 100 West Commercial boatyard. The application dated June 15 and addressed … Continue reading
Historic Frances Perkins Homestead Open to Tours This Summer
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,349) The Frances Perkins Homestead, Newcastle, will be open on three different occasions this summer for those interested in touring this historic homestead on the coast of Maine. The tours will occur on Sunday, July … Continue reading
Police Arrest Burglary Suspect on Cumberland Avenue Last Saturday
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,348) Richard Bing Coleman, 29, of Portland was arrested last Saturday, June 27, on two counts of residential burglary, two counts of theft, possession of cocaine, possession of burglar tools as well as an outstanding felony … Continue reading
“HP” Board Wants Local Historic District for 58 Fore Street Redevelopment; a/k/a ‘Land Grab’
McCracken (Post # 2,347) The Historic Preservation Board voted Wednesday, June 24th in favor of its nomination that 58 Fore Street be designated as a Local Historic District. The vote, which was anticipated, followed four workshops and two site visits … Continue reading
Six Residential Burglaries in Parkside And West End Over the Past Week Reported
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,346) Portland Police Detectives are investigating a series of residential burglaries in the Parkside and West End neighborhoods. Over the past week, there have been six burglaries to apartments in these areas. All burglaries have … Continue reading
Brenerman/Costa General Assistance Amendment Wins @ City Council Tuesday Am
By Carol McCracken (Post # 2,345) Early Tuesday morning, June 25th, the City Council approved an amendment to the 2015-16 budget referred to as the Brenerman/Costa General Assistance Amendment. The vote was 5 – 4 in its favor. Those voting … Continue reading
Portland Celebrates Rebirth of Neglected Congress Square Park at Launch Party Today
Carol McCracken (Post # 2,334) Friends, neighbors and the city came together this morning to celebrate the rebirth of a neglected park in the center of Portland’s Arts District. Congress Square Park long neglected by the City had turned into … Continue reading
“Love Will Overcome Racism” – Financial Equality Will Help Too @ Portland Gathering
Carol McCracken (Post # 2,333) Love will overcome racism was one of the messages from many of the speakers at a Remembrance and Peace gathering in memory of the nine black people who were shot to death in Charleston, South … Continue reading