The line to register to vote in the 2022 general election at the gym at East End Community School on Munjoy Hill was long with waits running about 30 minutes. But everyone this blogger talked to was unphazed because each had a specific purpose that did not deter them from the wait. Preserving women’s health choices and supporting Governor Janet T. Mills (D) and her Administration were the two top reasons that potential voters stood in line after 5:00 pm this evening.
“I am registering because I find it important to keep women’s rights safe in Maine” said Hanna Rascoe, who moved here from New Hampshire a year ago. “I don’t want to lose the right to do what I want with my body.” Alec Leckair said: “There are a lot of important issues in this race. But I don’t want LePage to be governor again. He has a negative reputation and is an embarrassment to the state,” she said.
“There are many important issues on the ballot. Women’s rights and the governor’s race are the most important. I haven’t decided on how I will vote on the citizens’initiatives yet,” said Chris Lamotte. “I’d like to preserve the right to an abortion and I don’t trust Paul LePage to do that,” said Lee Foden. Nick Wandishin, who is a buyer of material at BIW said what is motivating him to register is to preserve women’s rights. He has two sisters, his mother and girlfriend that he is thinking of when he votes.
“They are all important issues. Long term rentals and the minimum wage are of particular interest to me,” said Calvin Taylor. He was the exception to those in the line to register whose interest in the 2022 general election was to women’s rights and a victory for Governor Mills to be sure that Paul LePage isn’t successul in his bid to return to the Blaine House.