Santa Told This Blogger: “I Need Unwrapped Gifts for Children in Need This Year. Please Help Out if You Can! And Thank You if You Can!“
When you are out and about doing Christmas shopping in the next few days, please consider adding one more small gift to that already bulgingly, big list!
Unwrapped Christmas gifts are needed for the 42nd annual “Mother’s Christmas Party” to be held on Saturday, December 16th at the East End Community School, (“EECS”) 195 North Street on Munjoy Hill. The holiday party runs from 1:00 – 4:00 pm.Invitations to 75 children have been issued, but anyone who may have been inadvertently left off the invitation list is encouraged to attend.
Unwrapped gifts are needed for children – from newborns to the age of ten years old, according to Linda Trott York, one of the organizers of the event. Some extremely kind and thoughtful person has already paid anonymously for the use of the cafeteria at EECS. Food will be provided by donations. But there is a serious need for gifts for young children so that Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus can distribute them to young party goers. Santa and Mrs. Claus are expected to arrive at EECS at 3:00 pm to distribute the gifts. Unwrapped gifts may be left at the York apartment, 84 Munjoy South, on the Eastern Promenade of Munjoy Hill.
Forty-two years ago Marie Trott, a long-time Munjoy Hill resident, and councilor for residents of the Maine Youth Center began this tradition. Trott died seven years ago, but her children are determined to keep this long-time tradition going, because that was her wish. The Trott family was a large one and some of the children remember well that gifts were often not plentiful during the holidays or other special occasions. Hence, this appeal is particularly heartfelt from Maria’s family.
For more information, please email Linda T. York at: lindayork61@yahoo.com