“Time to Push” – Hundreds of Women Marchers Challenged at City Hall Rally

Lisa Lizler, of Munjoy Hill, Holds a Sign at the Women’s March Today. Anti Senator
Susan Collins (R) Signs Were Also Seen in the March.

“WE know how to push. When the time is right, we know how to push. And it’s time to push,” Betsy Sweet challenged over 1,000 cheering Marchers in City Hall Plaza just before noon today. Sweet’s fiery speech was the opening salvo for women already fired-up against the Trump administration’s attacks on women and the failure of so many of our nationally elected officials to stand up to him and his regressive policies.

“We are ready for a country without walls, hearts without hate and a system that begins to deliver on the promise of democracy, justice and equality for all. We are women – we don’t rest on our laurels, we keep going,” Sweet said to a roaring crowd who cheered at every thought she expressed.

Lex, a resident of Munjoy HIll and a local educator said he wants to be less racist than she is. “I think most white people are racist to some degree.” She and her rescued dog, Fern, were part of the enthusiastic Marchers listening to Betsy Sweet, a former candidate for Governor of Maine and other powerful speakers.

Meanwhile, those who were too cold to remain at City Hall Plaza, sought warmth and refreshments at First Parish Church. About 300 Marchers took advantage of the hospitality served up by volunteers. The temperature hovered around the mid-to low 20s all day.

Jenn McAdoo, a Member of First Parish Church and Historian Herb Adams Were Greeters at
the Church During a Reception for Marchers Today. McAdoo is chair of Friends of the
Safe Harbor Committee. About 300 People Took Advantage of the Hospitality at FPC.

The Women’s March began at Congress Square Park at 11:00 am. It proceeded up Congress Street with numerous marshalls along the way making certain that the closed off streets to vehicular traffic remained that way. As the huge parade passed First Parish Church, the bells pealed out – a message of hope and support for changes in the Trump administration – supported by many of the Church members.

“When I graduated from Columbia Law School in 1959, not a law firm in the entire city of New York would employ me…I struck out on three grounds. I was Jewish, a woman and a mother. The first raised one eyebrow, the second two, the third made me indubitably inadmissible,” Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. From her book, “Ruth Bader Ginsburg In Her Own Words.”

She pushed. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing too!

No officials, elected or otherwise from Portland, were seen at the March today. Please visit post herein dated January 12, 2019 for more background information on the March. Also, please visit post herein dated January 6, 2019 for “Senator Collins: We Are Coming For Your Senate Seat.”