The State Street Traditional Jazz Band in Concert on Lower Exchange Street Sunday Afternoons, Weather Permitting. John T. Page, Founder and Manager, is at Left in White Shirt. Banjo Player Peter Dunphy is at Right With His 100 Year Old Banjo.

John T. Page, Founder and Manager of the State Sreet Traditional Jazz Band Plays Trumpet. For more information on the Band, please visit their webpage.
Can’t get enough of the State Street Traditional Jazz Band during its Sunday afternoon concerts on lower Exchange Street in the Old Port of Portland, weather permitting?
You are in luck! That’s because this don’t miss opportuity to hear Band will be featured at an Open House, at Portland Yacht Services, on Saturday, July 15. The Band will be playing between 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. The Open House runs from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, 100 West Commercial Street, Portland.
This popular jazz band, founded by John T. Page, plays homage to music played over 100 years ago in New Orleans at the time of the 20th century. Following World War 1, jazz traveled north according to the Band’s webpage. Many of the musical greats kept this music alive such as the Original Preservation Hall Jazz Band. Louis Armstrong and others, But, they have passed. Fortunately, the State Street Traditional Jazz Band is dedicated to playing, preserving and keeping this music alive and well. Fortunately!
John T. Page is founder and manager. The Band has four CDs that will be available for sale at the Open House for $15. each.
The Open House at Portland Yacht Services will feature many schooners on site for the public to visit and take a sail aboard. The schooner “Harvey Gamage” will be available to tour dockside as well. Sails will be available from the Portland Schooner Co.. schooners. “Rebecca of Vineyard Haven” out of Mystic, Connecticut will be on site for sailing options as well according to a press release received from Portland Yacht Services.
The Maine Maritime Academy alumnae will hold a Maritime Flea Market. Proceeds from the sale support the Academy with scholarships. Bluefin Benefit Battle will be weighing in the days catch under the large white tent erected on site. Food trucks will be on site and parking is available on site Admission is free.
This Open House is a hugely scaled back version of the annual boat show that Phin and Joanna Sprague once hosted at Portland Yacht Services when the boat yard was located at 58 Fore Street on Munjoy Hill. The show featured boat builders from all over New England. It ended because of the sale of the almost ten acres of waterfront property to the Portland Foreside Development that is currently developing the property to compliment Exchange Street in the Old Port. Hdaving completed Phase 1 of the development, the applicant is currently before the city’s planning board for approval of its Phase 11 proposal. That could come next month.