Starbucks Caught Lying About Old Port Store Closing in December 2022!


Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D) Has Called for Investigation of Union Busting by  STARBUCKS at Exchange Street Store in Old Port in December 2022.

Starbucks Coffee on Exchange Street in the Old Port of Portland is closing in December 2022 “because the owner of the building where it leases space had to vacate because it is undergoing rennovations to the building according to a report issued yesterday by Channel 13 WGME.  The same report from WGME continued:  “Starbucks says this had nothing to do with workers voting to form a union and says it’s willing to CONSIDER transferring those workers to other stores.

But, management of Starbucks Coffee told a different story to current employees during a recent meeting with them.  “That’s not what they told employees.  They never mentioned the construction during the recent meeting and said it was because we as a store weren’t doing good enough essentially.  That is what they told us,” said Mandie Cantrell,  leader in the recent successful unionization effort in mid-October.  “Now Starbucks is saying its the building lease and construction but that was not the reason for the closure that they gave employees during the recent meeting.  Very odd,” Cantrell wrote to this blogger this mornng.

Odd or trying to protect the company from union busting charges by the National Labor Relations Board?

Please visit previous post herein for more background on the December closing of the Old Port store.  For more information on Congresswoman Pingree’s Request that the National Labor Relations Board investigate the closing, please visit post herein dated November 15, 2022.