Statement on Starbucks Coffee Closing by Union Organizer


Mandie Cantrell, the Leader in the Unionization Effort at Starbucks on Exchange Street in the Old Port of Portland

“It’s been crazy here,” wrote Mandie Cantrell in an email to this blogger this evening.  “Starbucks is planning on shutting us down on December 23.  We have one month to transfer or find new jobs…feels like we just unionized literally less than a month ago.  We unionized on the 17th of October.  We had a store meeting on the 15th, so just yesterday we were told by upper management that we are closing.  We are devastated.  We absolutely love and adore our store just like the community does as well.  It’s really disappointing that they gave us excuses not really reasons to close down.  It’s called union busting and that’s exactly what they are doing.  Our store was doing really well and they are saying it’s because our store isn’t making enough money, isn’t up to par and they will not be renewing the lease for the building that we are situated in,” she ended.

Please visit post herein dated November 15, 2022 herein for more information on the subject.