Rally at Monument Square Tonight Calling for End to Aparthed in Palestine


The Statute at onument Square Where the Rally is to be Held at 6:00 pm Tonight.

You are invited to attend a rally at Monument Square, tonight, Wednesday, October 11th to call for an end to aparthed in Palestine according to a press release received by mhn.com late this morning.  The rally begins at 6:30 pm in downtown Portland.

The rally also calls for the release of all Palestinian political prisoners and that the US cease material and diplomatic support for the subjugation and oppression of the Palestinian people.  “As we stand in steadfast solidarity with indigenous nations who never ceded the land seized by violent colonization and occupation, we stand in solidarity with those engaged in the same struggle in Palestine, ” said the press release.

The event is hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation as well as MaineDSA..