By Carol McCracken (Post # 711)
The public is invited to attend an informational meeting on Saturday, February 19th from 2 – 3:30 pm on the possible secession of Peaks Island from Portland. The meeting will be held in the Peaks Island Community Room (MacVane Center/Library). Its purpose is to ask questions, voice concerns and share information. The meeting is hosted by the Peaks Alliance.
Participants are asked to be respectful of each other and to stick to facts and issues. All voices will be heard; the Alliance will adhere to a 2-minute time limit so everyone will get a chance to speak.
Members of the Peaks Alliance organzing committee are: Ed Daryani, Scott and Nancy Nash, Mavourneen and Otis Thompson, Lisa Penalver, Marine Penalver, Barbara Schllichtmann and Janine Blatt. It’s expected that officers will be elected at this meeting.
For more information, please call Lisa Penalver at 766-5077 or Matt Barnes
For more background information, please see Post # 705, dated February 8th herein.