North Star Cafe: Site Of Simple And Discreet Wedding..Until June!


By Carol McCracken

Everyone knows that The North Star Café is a mecca for great food, fun for all age groups and musical entertainment for all as well. But something happened this morning that was a new twist even for this eclectic place. It was definitely something out of the ordinary, said several of the Café’s employees also Hill residents – a wedding.

Just in front of the performance stage, eight people of varying ages were gathered around two black tables that had been pushed together to make room for them all. Lying on the table was a bunch of yellow tulips. As MHN passed by the curious group, the notary public asked ( the surprised ) MHN if she would do the group a favor; serve as a witness to the wedding that was about to take place – right there at the two year old North Star Café at mid-morning – this morning.

The bride and groom, Meghan and Nathan, sat across the table from each other. Scott Macomber, the notary asked them if they took each other to be husband and wife. They said yes. They exchanged gold bands and then kissed. The father of the blonde bride in blue got up and hugged her. The notary public said his duties had been performed and his left. The knot was tied.

Meghan’s parents were there as were Nathan’s parents and his sister. The large celebration will be held at the Cheabeaque Island Inn in June. Following that public ceremony, the young couple will spend their honeymoon in Canada. Nathan works as a technical consultant and Meghan is a controller for her family’s business.

“We were walking by the North State Café the other day and decided this was where we wanted to get married,” said the groom. “Until we do it again in June.” “I think they just wanted to wear their new rings,” said the bride’s mother beaming.

It WAS out of the ordinary in every way for everyone.