New Signs Reflect Restoration of Original Street Name; Franklin Street


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 745)

Portland has announced that last month it erected new street signs along what has become known as Franklin Street Arterial.  The new signs, Franklin Street, was the original name of the street which was constructed in the 1780’s according to a press release from the city’s Nicole Clegg, director of communications.

Last year the Portland City Council approved the return of the original name of Franklin Street for the roadway which had been recommended by the Franklin Street Corridor Study report, co-chaired by Hill resident Markos Miller.  Franklin Street became known otherwise because in the late 1960s, it was part of the reconstruction that turned the street into the four lane roadwaya it is today.  It’s seen by some as a barrier or wall between the East End and the rest of Portland as well as a hazard for pedestrian traffic.

The United State Postal Service, residents and businesses along the Street have been advised to the name change.   Signs on Interstate 295 indicate Franklin Street as Exit 7.