Two Munjoy Hill Projects on Planning Board Workshop Agenda; 2/9/16

31 Fore Street to be Razed and Replaced by Condominium Units.

31 Fore Street. Currently a Rental Building,  Plans Call For it  to be Razed and Replaced by 4 Condominium Units; It Overlooks the 58 Fore Street Redevelopment by CPB2 LLC.

One View of the Proposed Development for 65 Munjoy Street.

One View of the Proposed Development for 65 Munjoy Street. Neighbors Have Criticized the Proposal for its Height and Massing.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,560)

Public comment will be taken at both proposals to be presented to the planning board’s monthly meeting tomorrow Tuesday, February 9th beginning at 4:30 pm., at City Council Chambers at City Hall, Portland.

The first Munjoy HIll proposed development to be on the planning board’s workshop tomorrow afternoon is the plan to demolish an existing 3-unit rental building at 31 Fore Street. Developers Bob and Carrie LeBlanc, Hill residents, want to replace this rental building with new condo units. Their proposal includes 4-condo units with on site parking for 6 vehicles.  A mix of 1 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom and 2 three bedroom units are part of the proposal. The portion of the public hearing is expected to last from 4:30 pm until 6:00 pm. For more background information on this proposal, please visit Post # 2,541, dated January 19, 2016 herein.

The second public hearing for a project located on the Hill is 65 Munjoy Street.  The proposal by Adams Apple LLC is for a development of 8 residential condos on a vacant lot, which is currently used for off-street parking for neighbors, especially in snow storms. The proposal includes 2 three-bedroom condos, 2 two-bedroom condos and 4 one-bedroom condos.  The proposal includes a total of 8 parking spaces with 6 parking spaces on the ground floor level of the building.  Peter Bass and Ethan Boxer-Macomber are the developers. The property is part of the former Marada Adams Elementary School. Once an industrial site, the only part of the property has undergone remediation to rid the property of toxic soil. Sixty-five Munjoy still needs to undergo remediation for toxic soil and meeting those requirements has dramatially slowed down the approval process.  The Adams School was vacated when the East End Community School on North Street was built. It’s anticipated that this review will last from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm.  For more background information on this proposal, please visit Post # 2,551, dated February 2, 2016.