MarchForthMaine Meets at Monument Square at Noon Today. In the Back Row is photographer Donald Verger Who Donated the Postcards.

A Sample Postcard donated by nature photographer Donald Verger. The Photographs Were Taken During the Portland March on January 21, 2017.
One thousand (1,000) postcards addressed to President Donald Trump were delivered to the post office on Congress Street early this afternoon. An intrepid group concerned about the War on Women that President Donald Trump is waging along with House Speaker Paul Ryan (D), met at Monument Square at noon today. They were preparing to march through the just arived 16 inches of snow to the Congress Street post office to mail 1,000 postcards addressed to President Trump with hand-written personal messages on them.
Mostly women, some of the group participated in the Washington, D.C. March on January 21st. There were similar marches in Augusta and one on Munjoy Hill that attracted over `10,000 people. (That event was organized by Portland resident Kathryn Yates.) The marchers decided to keep the momentum moving forward locally by a series of events – one of which was today’s Rally at Monument Square.
The next Rally is scheduled for Saturday, April 15th on the steps of city hall from noon – 2:00 pm. The Rally is to demand that Chump Trump release his income taxes to the public which he has refused to do so far – citing his taxes are under audit.
Why has The Donald refused to do so has raised many questions – what is he hiding? Americans want to know what do the Russians have on The Donald. What are his financial entanglements with Putin? Did Putin bail him out when The Donald almost went bankrupt years ago? Why is The Donald so conciliatory toward Putin?
Postcards for the mail-in campaign were donated by local, nature photographer Donald Verger. Free postcards may be picked up locally at: Local 188, Longfellow Books, Hilltop Cafe, Maine College of Art, Tandem Bakery, The Town Landing in Falmouth and the Mechanics Hall Library on Congress Street in Portland. They can be mailed to The Donald President or any member of the Maine federal legislative group. Postcard distributions have been made as far away as Arizona and Mystic, Connecticut. Please order them for free from Donald at: info@donaldverger.com.
For more background information, please visit post herein dated 3/8/17 for International Women’s Day. For more information on the Portland March, please see post herein dated Janary 21, 2017.
Rally Supports Int’l Women’s Day; Follow-up Rally 3/15
For more information on marchforthmaine, please email marchforthmaine@gmail.com