Genevieve Morgan at Noon Time Rally at Monument Square – Wearing a “Pussy Hat” – Symbol of the Resistance to Trump’s War on Women.
“The rally today is to shine a light on women’s contributions to the economy and the vital role of women as business owners, care takers and engines of creativity,” said Genevieve Morgan, at a noon rally at Monument Square today.
“Don’t be filled with despair at Trump’s attempt to make us feel weak and unimportant. To marginalize us. Just ignore it, Everyday wake up and do something about Trump,” Morgan urged over one hundred (100) women who attended the rally today. Many of them wore hand-knit “pussy hats” – a symbol of the growing movement against the Trump administration and its full-scale War on Women.
Speakers were followed by chanting from the crowd: “We shall overcome” and singing led by the Portland Street Choir – a group formed to be part of the resistance to Trump policies that marginalize women, the disabled, Muslims. work against the environment – and other causes for whom The Donald President and his administration lack respect.
Jan Chapman said it was important to attend the Rally for “so many reasons. We have to resist what is happening in Washington, D.C. The alt-right is calling the shots and we can’t let that happen. This is not who we are as Americans,” Chapman said.
Protesters were asked to fill out postcards to President Trump with a message for him and his administration. Photographs from the Washington March on January 21, 2017 were on the face of the postcards. On Wednesday, March 15th the group will assemble once again at Monument Square to deliver all of the postcards to the post office. Professional nature photographer Donald Verger donated the postcards for the Rally today. (info@DonaldVerger.com See top right photo)
Kathy Crute, a retired family practice doctor, attended the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. on January 21,2017. The group, March Forth Maine, was formed as a result of that March. Dr. Crute is one of about twelve (12) women who attended the D.C. March and is committed to keeping that momentum moving forward here in Portland.
For more information, please email: marchforthmaine@gmail.com