Governor Announces Grants to Strengthen Rural Maine with Boston Bank


Governor Janet T. Mills (D) at an Indoor Event in Portland Late Last Year.

Governor Janet T. Mills (D), the first woman governor of the state and its former AG, announced today that six Maine Working Committee Challenge teams have been selected to receive three-year, $375,000 grants to begin implementing proposals that address local economic problelms, including poverty. and lack of work opportunity.  The Challenge is a unique three-year grant initiative supported by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the State of Maine, national and local philanthropy and private sector employees that aim to strengthen Maine’s rural towns.

The six teams that won are located in:  Greater Bangor, Katahdin Region, Lewiston and Aburn, Maine Highlands, Washington County and the Passamaquoddy Tribe and Sagadahoc County.

The Maine Working Communities Challenge is under the umbrella of the Working Place iniative at the Boston Fed.  Working Places focuses on improving life for residents in New England towns, regions and its smaller post-industrial cities.  It’s model unites people from various community sectors around a common visiion for change.

All 16 Maine counties were represented in the 22 applications the Challenge received from teams hoping to enter its design phase.

“Like many people across our state, rural Maine is my home.  It is where my heart is.  Our rural communities are valuable beyond measure, which is why we are so invested in the Working Communities Challenge,” said Governor Mills.  “The Challenge  is bringing together the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Maine State government, private sector businesses and community-based organizations to tackle the toughest issues our rural communities face and to strengthen them for years to come.  I am proud to support this initiative through my Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan.  I thank everyone for their collaborative work and look forward to seeing the excellent work accomplished as a result of these grants.”