Rozalia Project Looking for Captain & Crew for Research Vessel


The Rozalia Project is a Vermont Based Non-profit Whose Goals are a Clean, Protected and Thriving Marine Ecosystem.

An Example of the Yellow Tubing That Has Been Found on some Notheast Coastline Beaches Recently.

Rozalia Project is accepting applications for Captain and First Mate aboard American Promise, the non-profit’s research vessel.  The position is a full-time, seasonal one with responsibilities for daily operations and maintenance of the oceangraphic sailing vessel.  The position starts the beginning of May and runs through the end of August.  The Project is also seking volunteer crew members for Expedition SEM for Ocean Expedition Remove Island Cleanup.  To apply, send an email to:

The Project is also announcing the siting of yelloe coils of plastic on beaches on the northeast coast according to a press release issued today by Gigi@DTozalia, Media Director. These coils of plastic are the result of the 300 million dollar Boston Harbor dredging project that began in June 2021.  The tubing was used to send electrical charges to underwater explosives deepening the entrance of the Harbor for shipping containers to enter.  The result has been fragments of these plastic tubes washing up on our coastlnes.  Read on to learn how to spot this yellow stuff and report your findings to our friends at the Center for Coastal Studies. Google Center for Coastal Studies and read the article written by Laura Ludwig, manager of the Center, dated February 16, 2022.

The Vermont based Rozalia Project belives that the icean is a vital, thriving shared resource that needs protecting.  It does not believe that commercial fishing  is sustainable.  It supports a total ban on fishing on the high seas (outside excsluvie economic zone up to 200 miles offshore) in order to allow migrating species to breed and grow.  It supports enforced marine protected areas within the EEZs to protect both habitat and ur marine creatures of all sizes and those marine protected areas should be no-take zones closed to all forms of fishing, especially commercial fshing. The non-profit further believes that bottom trawling is not a viable technique to catch fish and should be banned in all oceans according to its webpage.