Governor Addresses Groundbreaking of International Cold Storage Facility on Portland Waterfront


The Groundbreaking for the Long-Awaitd Cold Storage Facility on the Portland Waterfront Was This Morning;  Governor Janet T. Mills, (D), is in the Center in the White Jacket.  The Event Occurred Under Cloudy, Cool Skies.

Governor Janet T. Mills, (D) at the Groundbreaking of the International Cold Storage Faciity on the Portland Waterfrong.

EIMSHIP, the Container Shipping Company from Iceland,  that Made Maine its North American Headquarters a Few Years Ago, Will Benefit by the Construction of the Cold Storage Facility. as Well as Maine Companies.

Matt Burns, Executive Director of the Maine Port Authority,: “This Will Bring the State to a Much Higher Level in….Internatioal Trade,” he said This Morning at the Goundbreaking on the Portland Waterfront.

“While the day is dull, the future is bright for the state of Maine,” said Matt Burns, Executive Director of the Maine Port Authority, at the long-awaited groundbreaking for the cold storage facility on the Portland waterfront this morning. The facility’s footprint is 107,000 sq. ft. with a pallet position capacity of about 21,950.

The major waterfront project that has taken about ten years to get to the groundbreaking stage is expected to be operational in February of 2024 and will employ 16 full-time  according to Burns. It’s completion will herald the beginning of a new era for Maine’s agricultural, food and beverage businesses and open new markets for producers from Aroostook County to York County. Significant construction activity is scheduled to begin in October 2022.   COVID-19 and inflation have caused the delay in the groundbreaking  until today.

According to a report prepared by the University of Southern Maine, the project is estimated to generate an annual impact of between $500 mllion and $900 million for the facility.

The purpose of this major facility is to support the expanding business of EIMSKIP, an Icelandic company that moved its North American headquarters to Maine a few years ago. That happened because of the notorious deep water port in Portland as well as an opportunity for the company to be an important player in a small city.

Governor Janet T. Mills, (D), the first woman governor of Maine and its first woman AG, said that this facility will transform international trade for the whole state and not just Portland.  She also pointed out that the facility is “climate friendly.”  Currently, 90% of the product leaves the area by truck.  This facility will reduce traffic and consequently reduce carbon emissions –  good for the environment.

The storage faciity is being developed by Amber Infrastructure Group in partnership with Treadwell Franklin Infrastcuture.  The Maine Department of Transportation helped facilitate the project.  Americold, the original, George-based developer, backed out of the project in 2018.

Operational in 2024, this will be the largest solar rooftop array in Maine.