Annual District Meetings Devoted to “Projects”; Condo Blitz & Warehouse at EIMSKIP?


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,606)

Every fall the City of Portland hosts district meetings across the city to inform residents of what is happening in their district.  It gives residents an opportunity to meet city leaders, ask questions and give input to those city leaders.  Traditionally the city councilor for the District hosts the event and is supported by numerous other city leaders – i.e. fire chief, police chief, mayor, etc.

This year the city has shifted gears and the annual district meetings will focus on learning about “projects.”  Presumably that means about the condominium  blitz that is occurring on Munjoy Hill and the controversial cold storage warehouse at the EIMSKIP facility on West Commercial Street.

The District 1 annual meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16th at 6:30 pm at the East End Community School, 195 North Street.  No concluding time is listed.  Councilor Belinda Ray is the councilor for District 1.

The District 2 annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15th at Reiche Community Center, 166 Brackett Street, at 6:30 pm.  No concluding time is listed. District 2 Councilor is Spencer Thibadeau.

District 3: Tuesday, November 29, Italian Heritage Center, 40 Westland Avenue, at 6:30 pm.


City Councilor Belinda Ray of District 1

City Councilor Belinda Ray of District 1