Twisted Trump is Coming Under Criticism from All Political Sides for Protecting White Supremacists in Charlottesville.
White supremacists are gathering in nine cities around the country on Saturday, August 19th. Billed as demonstrations in support of free speech, they are known to be additional demonstrations to support a racist agenda – following the riots in Charlottesville last Saturday that killed three people and injured nineteen. Boston will be the site of the closest racist rally to Portland.
Responding to this racist rally in Boston, Mainers for Accountable Leadership, (MFAL) launched a GoFundMe account just this morning to fund an anti racist banner to be featured at the Boston rally. The initial goal of $500.00 was surpassed quickly and the second goal of $1,000.00 was met as well.
Five groups have pledged their support for this banner including March for Truth, a national group. The language on the banner has not been determined yet.
“We wanted to find a non-violent, civil way to respond to their hateful actions and repressive and regressive goals. We are so lucky that so many people want to help combat hate,” said Marie F. Smith, a co-founder of MFAL.
Smith cautioned that only people prepared for such an event should attend. As was learned in the Charlottesville event, they are not always “family-friendly” events. Those include people who are trained in “bystander intervention” and de-escalation tactics.
For more information, please email: mfalpac@gmail.com.