Vulgar Testimony Forces City Council to Establish Rules For Future Speakers


Members of the Encampment Behind Trader Joe’s, 87 Marginal Way, (on the Bayside Trail) Have Been Told it Will be Removed on Thursday Morning, April 27, 2023.   So Far, the Occupants Have Said They Don’t Know Whee They Will go Next.

“The encampment on the Bayside Trail is a visual representation of the fact that we are in the midst of a homelessness crisis, a crisis that is occurring all accros Maine, not just here in Portland.  It is absolutely devastating that so many people are left living outside and unsheltered due to a massive shortage of shelter beds, a lack of affordable housing and insufficient resoures for people with mental health and substance use disorders,” Taylor Cray, of Preble Street, told city councilors this evening during the 5:00 pm public comment period dedicated to items that are not on the council’s agenda for the evening.

Cray went on to say: “Every day, we see individuals suffering the severe health consequences of living unsheltered and our partner at National Healthcare for the Homeless Council just released a study showing that continuous displacement by encampment sweeps leads to even higher rates of mortality, overdoses and hospitalizations.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  We need to advocate for more emergency shelter funding, Site-based Housing First programs and treatment progams for people with substance use and other mental health disorders.”

Testifying before the city council prior to  Cray’s testimony was Richard Ward whose cess pool language about members of the LGBTQ community and political progressives sparked a discussion among city councilors on how best to prevent this vulgar language in city hall chambers in the future.

Counclor Phillips said:  “We need to remind people what they can and cannot say during the public comment period.  Mayor Snyder asked if this public comment period on non-agenda items is “required.”  Councillr Ali said that he would not want to take away public comment opportunities for non-agenda items.  It was decided that the Rules Committee would be asked to set standards for speaking in city council chambers to prevent the repeat of the hateful verbal assault by the controversial  Ward and heard by the public and city officials this evening.  Ward is no stranger to controversy; he relies on it – thrives on it.