Voting Lines Long; Absentee Ballots High Says City Clerk Cohen


By Carol McCracken (Post # 317)

Earlier today Portland city clerk Linda Cohen said that her office is “swamped” with absentee ballots to count.  Cohen said that the number is double the number from the last Governor’s election.  “I suspect it’s because of question 1 on the ballot, but I can’t say for sure,” she said on the front steps of city hall.  At the same time, shortly after noon, there was a 2 hour wait to vote at city hall.

Just prior to Cohen’s comments, there had been a major rally at Monument Square urging voters to vote NO on question 1.  Probably over 500 people attended the rally as Darlene Huntress, Field State Director for the “Campaign NO on 1” urged  everyone to support gay marriage by voting  no.  Following the rally, many went directly to city hall to vote.

Meanwhile, a small group holding bright red signs located in Lincoln Park on Congress Street urged voters to vote no on the TABOR initiative;  it would limit government spending in the state.  David P. Crocker, chair of the state TABOR  campaign said:  “I think we will win.”  Some of the group then moved to the corner of Congress Street and Franklin Street to rally more voters.

According to city clerk Cohen, the city hall is open today until 4:30 p.m. today and will be open tomorrow from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 .m.  Residents of the Old Port area of Portland will be voting at Merrill Auditorium, rather than at East End Community School as they have done in the past.

Greater Munjoy Hill residents Charlotte Fullam and Marlene Anderson, said:  “We voted several weeks ago  ’cause we wanted to be sure we voted NO on 1.  We hope everyone else does the same”!