US House Releases Groundbreaking First Climate Change Report


Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-ME) Supports the Groundbreaking Climate Crisis Report Released Today.

A report, Solving the Climate Crisis:  The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy, and a Healthy, Resilient and Just America, has just been released according to a press release issued today by Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D).  It’s the first-ever comprehensive report on climate change authorized by the US House of Representatives Select Committee on the climate crisis.  The recommendations made  in the report will be used by the 20 permanent House Committees to produce comprehensive climate legislation.

The report provides a roadmap for Congress to build a prosperous, worker-driven clean energy economy.  It includes legislative initiatives offered by more than 100 House members, which would together transform America’s reliance on fossil fuels and put our country on a path to net-zero carbon pollution, incentivize a “green” economic recovery by investing in clean energy and address the legacy of environmental injustice in low-income communities and communities of color.

“Maine’s environment is inextricably liked to our economy and I’ve fought during my Congressional tenure to make sure federal laws preserve Maine’s natural resources for generations to come.  I’m proud that after years of inaction, Congress has turned the page on climate denial as we face our post-coronavirus economic reality.  Congress’ work to put our climate in the forefront is more important than ever,” said Congresswoman Chellie Pingree. “The Select Committee in the climate change’s groundbreaking report calls on Congress to take targeted action to mitigate the effects of climate change and to build a more durable and equitable clean energy economy.”