Chancellor Daniel Malloy. He’s a Former Prosecutor, lawyer, Mayor and Two-Term Governor of Connecticut. In 2016, he Was Honored as the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award.
The University of Maine System is planning required COVID-19 arrival testing for all unvaccinated students and employees who are members of the in-person population as part of its fall 2021 return to campus. Unvaccinated community members participating in arrival will also be required to quarantine while awaiting their test results and wear face coverings while inside university buildings.
Students and employees who verify their fully vaccinated status on the secure UMS Portal by August 20 will be exempt from the arrival testing and quarantine requirements. Effective July 26, UMS will align with changes in state of Maine practices and no longer require students and employees who HAVE verified their vaccination to wear masks inside university buildings. More than 5,000 UMS community members have already registered their status by using the voluntary tracking portal to upload an image of their vaccination card.
The presence of the very contagious Delta COVID-19 variant and reports that the majority of patients requiring treatment for severe COVID-19 symptoms are not fully vaccinated, are requiring the University of Maine System to remain vigilant about asymptomatic cases and the spread of disease at it universities. This vigilance includes planning to require unvaccinated members of the in-person population to participate in regular rounds of asymptomatic screening during the semester and to continue to wear face coverings inside university buildings.
“Vaccination is our best defense against the threat of COVID and makes life easier and safer,” said Chancellor Daniel Malloy. “We have no more urgent task in our return to normalcy than to get our vaccination rates as high as possible while also maintaining safety protocols for those who have not or can not get vaccinated.”