You are invited to attend a neighborhood meeting to disuss plans to develop the buildings at 477 Congress Street and 22 Preble Street, Portland; better known as the Time & Temperature Building. The applicant is Greenmars Developmet Company. The meeting will be at Swassey Conference Room, Canopy Hotel, 9 Center Street on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm according to a press release from Woodard & Curran.
In September 2023, a major site plan appplication was filed with the city of Portland Planning Division on behalf of the applicant for the proposed development. The project includes the conversion of the properties into approximaely 140 long-term residential micro unit apartments and approximaely 136 “hotel” units. The project will also include aproximately 4,800 sq. feett. of retail space and a restaurant. Various amenity spaces will be available to apartment and hotel guests, including a fitness center and co-working spaces. The first-floor historic arcade will be restored for public access from Preble Street and Congress Street will include retail spaces targeted towards local businesses that support the residents and guests. The first floor of the former TD Bank space (481 Congress Street) will be fit-out as a restaurant. Access will be provided to a roof-top observation deck.