This Gentlemen is Wearing a Face Mask, With a Yummy Looking Lobster, On it, That His Wife Sewed for Him. He Believes That Mainers Need to Wear Face Masks Now and That It Will be Important to Wear Them for a Long Time to Continue to Combat COVID-19.
Starting Monday, April 5, 2021 to November 1, 2021, some Old Port streets will be closed to vehicular traffic. They include: Wharf, Dana Milk and Fore Street (on the southeast side of Boothby Square, between Pearl/Silver). Commercial vehicles may access these streets before 11:00 am daily to make deliveries
Traffic on Middle Street will be adjusted to one-day only to allow businesses to operate in the public right-of-way, similar to how they did in 2020.
The purpose of the street closures is to give restaurants and retailers an opportunity to expand their businesses outside during the start of the warmer weather. Fifty-seven businesses had applied as of April 2, to participate in the In-The Street Program. (I don’t know what else to call it!) For more information on the program, please email: bl@portlandmaine.gov