Speculation Continues on President Biden’s Future as Trump Escapes Same


Pesident Biden Addressed the Nation Briefly from the White House on the Supreme Court’ Immunity Ruling Recently.

An Oil Painting by a High School Student Showing How the Supreme Court is Dividing This Nation With Its Anti-Democratic Decisios.


An Anti-Trunp Sign Outside the Courtroom in Washington DC Where Trump Was Arraigned.

The future of incumbent President Joe Biden;s political future remains the source of too much speculation today.

A growing chorus of US legislators concerned that their own political futures could be in jeopardy with President Biden at the top of the ticket have spoken out today in support of his removing himself from the ticket.

One of the more offensive critics of the President was US Representative Adam Smith (D-WA) this morning.  He repeatedly said on cable news  that the President has not been “transparent” in his medical condition following Biden’s poor debate performance against Trump.  Smith said a medical evaluation has been missing and is needed. However, that charge rings hollow since the President announced yesterday he has Covid and is in isolation at his beach house in Delaware. Never having heard of Smith previously, perhaps his own re-election bid is in jeopardy and he needs coattails to ride into office on.  So, Smith is not ‘Riding with Biden’ as so many others are.

Last night, this blogger watched most of the “longest acceptance speech ever given in American history” delivered by Trump according to historians.  It began as scheduled around 10:00 pm and continued on close to mid-night, apparently.  This blogger fell asleep just after 11:30 pm and missed the grand-finale. Trump began with a description of his recent near death experience at a rally in western Pennsylvania. Following that, he morphed into his rambling and fact missing rant insulring and demonizing the President and our judicial system. Trump called President Biden one of the ten worst presidents elected to be president of the US (His memory loss must account for his failure to place  himself at the top of that list.)  His rant was in contrast to his recent pledge to be the “unity” candidate in the upcoming November election.   Republicans like Nikki Haley and the gaggle of other Republican wannabes sold their souls to the Faustian Trump in exchange  for five minutes in the spotlight.  And we know how that ends!  Why didn’t Smith call for a medical evaluation of Trump as well?” asks this blogger.  “Trump’s rambling and unhinged acceptance speech last night warrants an evaluation of his mental acuity, Congressman Smith from Washington state.”

The acceptance speech of Trump was intentinally tamped down for public consumption for women in particular.  It was notable for what he left out of his speech as well as what he inclulded. Specifically,  Trump forgot to mention his Supreme Court’s overturn of women’s reproductive rights, its determineation that Trump is immune from criminal prosecurtion while performng official acts as president among other Faustian policies of his administration.  He never mentioned that “Project 2025” is his road map for a second admnistration should be got one.  He never mentioned either that  his VP J. D. Vance is one of the authors of it. They both know the contents of this 900 page documment are too alarming to risk public exposure..  That’s why Trump has been back peddling on his knowledge of the 92 page “Project 2021.”

There was even a scrap for the science fiction community.  Trump advocated for a defense system to protect the US from its enemies with the construction of a protective dome over the nation. Experts say that dome systems are good for rocket systems that meets the needs of Israel.  But not for the US.

Meanwhile, President Biden announced around noon today that he continues to be a candidae for president and that he intends to beat Trump.