Shipyard Old Port Half Marathon & 5K Returns Sunday


By Carol McCracken  (Post # 1,463)

On Sunday, July 14th,  over 2,000 runners and their entourages will descend on Ocean Gateway Terminal for the third annual Shipyard Old Port Half Marathan & 5K race.  This year a cap of 3,000 runners has been placed on the total number allowed to participate.  As of May 7, the capacity of 2,800 had been reached.  However,  you might be able to register for one of the half marathon Charity Slots.  The cost of those slots is $150. each.

This is the third year of the run and not surprisingly some changes were made from last year.  It was decided at last year’s race held on July 22nd to move it up one week to the 14th.  Also the number of runners allowed to register was almost doubled from last year – to 3,000.

This year a new and very scenic 5K course has been set up.  It leaves from the Maine State Pier at Ocean Gateway Terminal, not from Cutter Street as previously.  The course runs closer to the Old Port as the race’s name implies.  To avoid bottlenecks along the course, the starts of the 5K will not be done in waves as last year. Runners will leave from the start corral with the anticipated fastest going first.

Following the race, runners will be able to enjoy Shipyard Brewery Beer in the Beer Garden in the grassy area of Moontide Park.

The two charities are ITN Portland and Habitat for Humanity.

For more background information, please visit Post # 1,184, dated 7/22/12 and Post # 837, dated Juy 17, 2011 as well.