Cyrus Hagge, Munjoy HIll Resident, at Planning Board Meeting This Evening. (I LIKE THE BACKSIDE BETTER!)

This Building is Currently the Warehouse for Asia West. It is Moving to 128 Cassidy Point Drive. Hamilton Marine is Moving Into this Location, 195 Presumpscot Street, This Fall as Previously Reported Herein. (Please see post dated July 6, 2018.)
Cyrus Hagge, wealthy Munjoy HIll resident, told the planning board this evening that he has purchased the property at 121 Cassidy Point Drive from a fisherman earlier this year. Hagge said that it’s clear that Sail Maine, a non-profit sailing program, will have to move from its current location at Portland Foreside, formerly 58 Fore Street. Not only will this site be the headquarters of Sail Maine, but it will also house craft persons and small trades. For example, he has rented one bay to local artist Aaron Stephens.
The project will be done in two phases. The first phase involves reuse of the existing site and buildings. The second phase, expected to begin in the spring of 2019, involves demolition of the existing wooden structure on-site and replacement with a new metal building. Hagge is applying for an administrative authorization and conditional use application for the property.
A few years ago, Hagge ran against Councilor Kevin Donoghue for City Council in District 1. When he lost, he said: “What was I thinking?”
Tod Dana, d/b/a Kennebec Street Properties, wants permission from the planning board to use his property, 128 Cassidy Point Drive, as a retail warehouse for Asia West and light industrial space for 3 or 4 tenants. The second floor would be used as an office for Asia West with some light-industrial spaces. The property has no waterfront access. According to the application, 10 full-time employees will be located at this space, which is about half of what Advantage Gas Works had previously. Asia West opened on Commercial Street 25 years ago. It receives almost all of its inventory by sea container. (Approximately 10 – 15 forty-foot containers annually). The property’s location near Eimskip is an advantage.
It is expected that the applications for both changes will be granted in the near future.
Please visit post herein dated June 6, 2018 for more background information on the Hagge project.