REMINDER! Portland Public Library Reopens Tomorrow at Noon


By Carol McCracken (Post # 439)

The public is cordially invited to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow, Thursday, April 15 at noon. The ceremony marks the reopening of the Portland Public Library on Congress Street following extensive rennovation work.

Particiapting in the celebration will be the city’s Mayor who will address the crowd as well as two officials of the library. Also participating will be Portland Poet Laureate Steve Luttrell, Meghan Mette, the Wandering Fiddler and Portland School Choruses. The library is open until 7 pm tomorrow evenng and opens at noon tomorrow.

The opening ceremony will kick off a week of special events which ends on Friday, April 23rd.

On July 1st, the Munjoy HIll Branch of the Portland Public Library will close. It’s located at the East End Community School on the Hill. It was the first public library branch to be located in a public school – back in 1958 at the former Adams School.

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