President Biden Addresses the Nation on SCOTUS Bombshell Immuniity Decision


Pesident Biden Addressed the Nation Briefly from the White House on the Supreme Court’ Immunity Ruling Today.

In a brief address to the nation this evening from the White House, President Joe Biden said that the most important characteristics for the occupant of the Oval Office is possessing the courage and wisdom to respect the Rule of Law.

Today’s decision by the Supreme Court means there will no longer be legal limitations on the President – only the President can impose limitations on himself.

The Presidenet said that his predecessor sent a violent mob to the Capitol  to overturn an election.  ‘The public has a right to know before the November election the facts of the case,” he said.  ‘Do the people want to entrust the presidency to Trump?” the President asked.  “I will respect the limitations of the Presidency, but Trump will not.  I dissent.”

“May God help our democracy,” the President said in concluding his brief remarks from the Whtie House this evening.