Portland Police Make Sunday Drug Arrest Following Warning of Contaminated Heroin Yesterday


Interim Police Chief J. Heath Gorham at His First Press Conference Recently.

On Sunday, July 3, 2022, Gregory Waterman (9-7-86), a transient of Portland, was arrested by Portland Police on charges of unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs and unlawful possession of methamphetamine.  Waterman was found in possession of 20 grams of fentanyl, 12 grams of methamphetamine and more than $1,700, in cash.

The arrest was the result of increased patrols on Sunday based on information that indicated contaminated or otherwise increasingly dangerous batches of opioids were being distributed and used in Podrtland

The five reported overdoses are still under investigation and it is not clear adt dthis time whether they are connected to the drugs in this arrest.  As part of an active investigation, no further information is being released at this time according to the press release issued by the Portland Police Department this afternoon.

Please visit post herein dated July 3, 2020 on warning of contaminated drugs found in Portland.

One thought on “Portland Police Make Sunday Drug Arrest Following Warning of Contaminated Heroin Yesterday

  1. Well he should be off the streets and so should the drugs the fentynol is very deadly and so many people are switching from one to the other and they believe that they are getting better because they stopped shooting up.. Because there smoking the mother stuff. Wow what a way to think. Well I hope that whatever there doing that stay safe.

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