The Star of a Movie Called “HangDog” Being Filmed in the East End of Portland and Elsewhee. The Crew was Filming on the Eastern Promenade Yesterday. According to One of the Script Writers Living in Brunswick: “It’s a Humorous Movie About a Dog. That’s All I Can Tell You.”
Portland’s Finance Committee will have its first budget review meeting on Thursday, April 28,at 5:00 pm. for the FY23 Recommended Municipal Budget. It will be reviewed by the Committee throughout the month of May before going to the City Council for its approval.
The current recommended budget includes a 5.5% increase in the tax rate on the city side of the overall budget with a new city side mill rate of $6.56 per $1,000. of assessed property value. If it were not for other sources of revenue, the city would be looking at a projected tax rate increase of approximately 17% to maintain curent levels of muicipal services according to a press release issued by the city this morning. Additionally, in order to balance the budget, the proposal includes raising the rates of some fees, including an increase in parking meter fees in the Old Port and Commercial Street and an increase in the pay as-you-throw trash bag fees.
The impact on an average homeowner with a property valued at $350,000 would be $119.00.
The budget proposal was presented to the city council during its April 25 meeting by Interim City Manager Danielle West.