Police Investigating Thefts on Exchange Street in Old Port

Incident at Market square Jewelers, Old Port, Portland is Under Investigation

Incident at Market square Jewelers, Old Port, Portland is Under Investigation

Sandra Serbin, owner of Expressly Trends in the Old Portland.

Sandra Serbin, owner of Expressly Trends in the Old Portland.

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,549)

Police are investigating a robbery that occurred early last Sunday morning at Market Square Jewelers in the Old Port of Portland. .

According to a source familiar with the incident, a man was caught on store video as he paced in front of the store with a brick in his hand.  After throwing it into the window. he reached in and stole two items from the display.  Neither of the pieces were especially valuable according to the source.  The front window was boarded up until it could be replaced late last week.   Both expenses were covered by insurance.  The Portland Police are investigating the incident.

Up the street at Expressly Trends, 40 Exchange Street, Sandra Serbin, owner reported a theft on Thursday of this week. A man swiped a sweatshirt off an outdoor rack of hers.  She came out of the store and asked him if he wanted to pay for it.  He ran off with the sweatshirt in  hand.  She followed him for several blocks, but lost him eventually.  “I was wearing high heels,” she said laughing.  “Not good for chasing someone!”

Serbin reported the incident to the Portland Police Department.  .