By Carol McCracken (Post # 995)
The City has announced that Penny St. Louis, Director of Planning and Urban Development for the city will be leaving her post as of October 28, 2011. She intends to pursue new professional opportunities.
For nearly fourteen years, St. Louis served the City of Portland in two capacities. First, as associate corporation counsel and then as Planning and Urban Development D irector. In 2008, St. Louis was asked by Portland City Manager Joseph Gray to oversee the reorganization of the Planning and Urban development Department and lead efforts to revamp and streamline the department in a way that makes it easier and more accessible to the public. For the past three years, she led the overhaul of the city’s site plan standards, implementd a number of internal reorganizations to shift to a more customer service focus and oversaw changes to the administration of the city’s Community Developmeht Block Grant (CDBG) program to ensure a fair and equitable application and allocation process.
“Penny has been a real asset to the city and her positive impact within the department as well as across the city will be felt for many years to come,” stated City Manager Rees. “No undertaking was too large or too challenging for her and I, as well as my predceesor Joe, thank her heartily for her hard work and commitment to the city.”
“It has been my pleasure to work with many quality staff members at the city who shared my passion for improving life in the community I am fortunate enough to call home,” stated St. Louis. “The business community and non-profit entities making up Portland, too, have enriched my professional growth as we navigated, together, changes to the City Codes, administration of HUD VDBG and HOME funds, and-yes-even enforcement of city and state regulations. I believe and trust my service to the city over these years has also contributed to this great place.”