By Carol McCracken (Post # 994)
The second annual race on Munjoy Hill to honor the memories of two beloved employees of UNUM took place at 4:30 this afternoon in cold and windy weather. One hundred and twenty-eight runners/walkers entered the event in memory of Mike McKenna and Mark Thiebault who both died of cancer within five days of each other in December 2007. (Last year almost 50 ran in the race.) Both of their widows were present at todays event.
The 4-mile race began in front of the Ocean Gateway and proceeded down the Eastern Promenade to Loring Memorial Park and then returned to the starting point in front of Ocean Gateway. A 2-mile route for walkers was used. UNUM has a matching fund for such events.
The winner of the race was Eric Krohne, 33, a resident of the Hill. His time was 25.16. Following the race Krohne said he is from New Hampshire and has been with UNUM for 3 months in the global services department. He has run for 15 years and was pleased to be part of this important fund raiser. (See above left photo.)
“The charitable event is a fitting way to benefit the community and honor two men who embodied the best of UNUM’s values” said UNUM US president and CEO Kevin McCarthy. “They were devoted husbands and fathers and they were our colleagues and they were our friends. We lost them too soon.”
Donations from todays race will be donated to the Center for Grieving Children and the Cancer Community Center in their memory. Last year the group earned $10,000 for the charities and this year it hopes to earn $15,000 for charity.
For more background information, please see Post # 618, dated October 28th herein.