Owning Property in a Historic District – What Does it Mean?


Historic Preservation Program Manager Deb Andrews.

You are invited to attend an informational meeting on Munjoy Hill on Thursday, June 13th, at 6:30 pm at St. Lawrence Arts & Community Center, 76 Congress Street.

Those attending are invited to bring their questions for Deb Andrews,  Historic Preservation Program Manager to answer.

For example, what type of alterations or construction activities require review and approval in a local historic district?  By what standards are projects reviewed?  Who conducts the review?  How long does it take to get approval?  Are there resources available to assist property owners with their projects?

“As the city of Portland explores the possibility of historic district designation for a portion of Munjoy Hill, this is your chance to learn more about the potential effect of designation on your neighborhood,” says a postcard that is being mailed to property owners on the Hill.

The first meeting was held the end of April 2019 at the East End Community School.