OLLI FOLLIES: A Variety Show Starring Olli Members; Not To Be Missed; 5/2


Carol McCracken says:  "We are a very talented bunch of people.  Come see for your selves!" By Carol McCracken (Post # 454)

The public is invited to attend the first of its kind, fantastic OLLI Follies – a variety show starring Olli members. The program includes a wide variety of entertainment – some serious and others just plain silly and fun! There are about fifty Olli members who will strut their best for your enjoyment on Sunday, May 2nd at 2:00, Hannaford Hall in the Abromson Building on the USM campus here in Portland. Olli instructor Jack Lynch is the organizer.

There are musicians, actors, poets, singers and dancers performing in 21 different acts. The Olli Follies are open to everyone. You need not be an Olli member to attend. To help defray the cost of renting Hannaford Hall, it is asked that those over 18 years of age please donate $3. at the door. (The cost of renting Hannaford Hall is over $600.)

FREE parking is available across the street from Hannaford Hall in the student lot adjacent to the Student Union and Cafeteria. Thanks to the graciousness of USM, the indoor parking garage which is normally closed on Sunday will be open and FREE parking will be available – for this one event only.

We hope that you and your friends will join us for this once in a lifetime event!

OLLI, a/k/a Osher Lifelong Learning Institute,
formerly called Senior College. For more, please visit www.usm.maine.edu/olli