“American Heroes,” a New book by noveist Jmes Patterson is Available at Sherman’s Maine Coast Book Shop, 49 Exchange Street, Portland for About $32.
You are invited to attend the annual Veteran’s Day Parade on Monday, November 11, 2024. The Parade begins at Longfellow Square at 10:30 am and proceeds down Congress Street to City Hall. That’s where the keynote speaker will be Portland Mayor Mark Dion around 11:00 am on the steps of city hall.
Between 15 – 20 groups are expected to march in the Parade according to Veteran Joseph Rich, Finance Director of the Harold T. Andrews Post 17, who is hosting the annual Parade.. If any Veteran would like to march in the event, please come to Longfellow Square at 10:00 am.Monday morning.
The originis of the observation go back to 1919 when the observation of the end of World War 1 was begun. The observation in Portland was a day long event. It started with a breakfast at the Lafayette Hotel followed by numerous events including bands playing and a football game at the stadium. Multiple US naval ships were docked in Portland Harbor. It was a day long event. It was President Dwight Eisenhower who in 1954 – 1955 renamed Armistice Day – Veteran’s Day in recgnition of World War 11.
Filmmaker John Ford, born as John Martin Feeney, and a resident of Portland was a charter member of the Post according to Army National Guard Veteran. Rich. Ford was born in 1894 in Cape Ellizabeth.