New Drop Box at Merrill Auditorium Provides 24/7 Access for Absentee Voters


Kathy Jones, City Clerk of Portland, at the Newly Installed Drop Box on Myrtle Street, Outside Merrill Auditorium.  Unlike, City Hall, it’s Open 24/7.

This Blogger’s ‘Dream Team’ for the Upcoming November 2020 Election: Joe Biden, April Fournier and Sara Gideon.

To accommodate weekend and evening use, a ballot drop box was installed today outside of Merrill Auditorium, Myrtle Street, Portland.

The drop box was installed around noon today and voters began to use it immediately.  It was installed to provide absentee ballot voters 24/7 access for dropping off their ballots when Merrill Auditorium is closed.  The equipment was provided by the State.

Jones said that it had already been checked three times today since it’s installation – with probably about 100 ballots collected by 3:30 pm today.  Jones said that 27,200 absentee ballots have been processed so far and that 9,000 of those same ballots have been returned.

Be sure and sign the back of the envelope before sealing it and dropping it into the box.

“This is definitely record breaking terrority,” said Jones.

Another city employee said that she thought the city manager was being “too cautious” by not opening up city hall to more public access at this time.