Neighborhood Meeting on 42 Atlantic Street Redevelopment Set For March 5th


42 Atlantic Street on Munjoy Hill Proposal will be the Subject of a Neighborhood Meeting on March 5, 2024 at the Hill Arts.  The Former VFW Bar is at the Corner of Gilbert Lane and Atlantic Street and Closed Last Year.  Until Recently it was for Sale.

The Hill Arts, 76 Congress Street, Where the Neighborhood Meeting Will be Held on March 5th.  Formerly, the St. Lawrence Congreational Church, it has an Interesting History of its Own.

You are invited to attend a neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, March 5 at 5:30 pm at the Hill Arts, 76 Congress Street.  The purpose is to discuss a proposed Major Site Plan Application to be applied for on April 5, 2024, to the Planning and Urban Development Department by LB Atlantic, LLC.  The project includes 26 affordable units on this site.

However, the press release does not say how tall the building will need to be in order to accommodate all units.  Or if there will be multiple lower buildings to accommodate the 26 units. Nor does the press release say how they definfe “afforable housing” – that is different amounts for different folks/  Good questions to be asked at the meeting!

The project will provide studios, and one and two bedroom units.  The public sidewalk will be rebuilt and on-site stormwater detention will be provided according to a press release from Sam Lebel PE, Project Manager, for Acorn Engineering, Inc. today.