Munjoy Hill Home Proposed for Five Unit Condo Development


24 St. Lawrence Street on Munjoy Hill Proposed to be Converted into Five Unit Condo.  The Home was Built in 1860.

The Front of the Proposed Four Story, Condominium for 24 St. Lawrence Street, on Munjoy Hill.

The City has received an application to redevelop a two-single family home at 24 St. Lawrence Street on Munjoy Hill, into a five unit condominium, four stories high.  Parking for six cars will be provided on the ground level according to a letter from Acorn Engineering, Inc., dated October 10, 2017.

The application calls for a bedroom mix of:  4 two-bedroom units and 1 three-bedroom unit.

The building is owned by Kelly & Walter Williams, current residents of the building.  The project is expected to cost $2.4 million.

Port City Architecture is the architect.  Will Savage, P.E., is the Project Manager for Acorn Engineering, Inc. who signed the October 10 letter referred to above.