Mini-railroad Considering Options Because of Defeat in Gray Polls

Donnie Carroll, Executive Director of Narrow Gauge Railroad said Education Campaign is Underway

Donnie Carroll, Executive Director of the Narrow Gauge Railroad

By Carol McCracken  (Post # 2,619)

Donnie Carroll, executive director of the mini-railroad on the Portland waterfront, said  that Gray voters turned down a proposal to donate $500,000. to assist in the relocation of the railroad to Gray in yesterdays November 8th election.

The non-profit Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Co. &  Museum has been trying to move to Gray for many years now and has been involved in an intense fund raising effort to make that happen – millions of dollars are needed to relocate the former Edaville Railroad from South Carver, MA. to a piece of  wooded property behind the Gray Shopping Center.  This move has been necessitated by the purchase of the property on which it is currently located – 58  Fore Street – by Jim Brady who anticipates a development on that location that would preclude this mini- railroad facility.

The Board will meet tomorrow to discuss next steps and how it can pursue its goals in Gray.  The two-footers arrived at the Portland Company complex around 1992 as a project of a group of rail fans led by Phineas Sprague, Jr., former owner of the property.