Gutless Collins Snubs Portland Voters !


Gordan Adams and Marie Follayttar-Smth, the Latter a co-Chair of Mainers for Accountable Leadership at a Rally on the Steps of city hall on Wednesday of This Week.  (Marie is a co-founder with April Humphrey.)

Billy Duffy Attended the MFAL at City Hall on Wednesday Sporting the Above Sign:  He Handed Out Hundreds of Buttons:  “IN YOUR GUTS – YOU KNOW HE’S NUTS” – With a “Hair on Fire” Photo of Trump in the Center.  The Right Photo is of Putin Holding The Donald President in his Hands – Controllng Him Puppet Like.

US Representatives are meeting with their constituents all over the country this week. They have guts! Voters want to know where their representatives stand on a number of issues.

Portlanders want to know where Collins’ stands on Chump Trump’s Muslim ban? Where does she stand on The Donald President’s  refusal to release his tax returns?  Portlanders want to know more about her positions on  the Affordable Health Care, why did she support racist Jeff Session, why doesn’t she support an independent investigation into Trump ties to Russia. AND her inexcusable yes vote in committee that paved the way for the successful  nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education –  that’s for starters.

Maine has an exception to the guts of other national leaders.  Long-time Senator Susan Collins (R) has snubbed her constituents in southern Maine. Collins is not self-employed as she acts, but is accountable to her constituents who hired  her in the last election.  Corporate America would not tolerate her arrogance – why should Maine voters?

Both Senators Collins and Angus King (I) support an investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee into the Trump ties to Russia rather than a broad investigation that is supported by Congreswoman Chellie Pingree (D).  Both Collins and King sit on this Committee – apparently the two-some is looking to enhance their political careers rather than protect this country’s national security.  Others, in addition to Pingree, think a special prosecutor would be more appropriate in this instance.   Attorney General Sessions was part of the Trump transition team which should disqualify him from leading such an investigation.

However, there are accounts of occasional sightings of Senator Collins. She’s been weaving and bobbing with the best to barricade herself  from any human contact.  But, she was spotted earlier this week in Augusta.  On Tuesday, eight members of the Mainers for Accountable Leadership (“MFAL”) met face-to-face with the Senator for forty (40) minutes;

When Marie of MAFL (see above left photo) asked the Senator about the status of the Affordable Care Act, the Senator responded that it was “good for Mississippi.”  Of her position on an out-of-house, independent investigation into Chump Trump’s ties to Russia, she responded:  An internal investigation is “sufficient.  We will get to the bottom of this.  Trust us.  An internal investigation is sufficient and will be independent.”  Significantly, Marie asked Collins three (3) times if and when she would hold a town hall meeting.  “There was no answer from her,” said Marie.  (If ACA is such a disaster according to the Republicans, why are so many thousands of people so afraid of loosing it?)

On Wednesday “MAFL” held a second  rally on the steps of city hall – asking Collins to face her constituents.  About 400 people showed up.  Speaker after speaker urged the Senator to come home and address her constituents in a town hall.  Following the rally, Marie delivered a petition with over 2,000 signatures on it to the Senator’s Portland office.  The petition was another request to show her backbone and address voters in the Greater Portland area.  She has no courage unlike many of her counter parts across the country.

Mainers for Accountable Leadership hosted a similar rally on the steps of city hall on January 29, 2017 at which about 1,200 people appeared.  The rally asked Senator Collins to hold a town hall in the Greater Portland area.  Collins continues to snub Maine voters in her arrogant Republican manner.

“So my advice to those members of Congress who are hiding out or delaying is this:  You can run for rel-election, but you can’t hide from the American people.  The longer you wait, the louder it will get,” wrote former Democratic representative in an editorial on the editorial page of THE NEW YORK TIMES, February 25, 2016.  Israel was referring to the Republicans who have refused to show up and face their constituents at Town Hall meetings.

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