Moral Movement Maine Implores Senators Not to Support Kavanaugh Nomination


Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, pastor of HopeGateWay, and Convener of Moral Movement Maine, Addressed the Press This Afternoon.

Rev. Jane Field, Executive Director of Maine Council of Churches, Addressed the Press Conference Today at Woodfords Congregational Church, Portland.

Rabbi Joshua Chasan, of Bend the  Arc, Portland.

Rev. Carolyn Lambert, pastor, Woodfords Congregational Church, Where the Press Conference was Held This Afternoon.

Maine faith leaders, a/k/a Moral Movement Maine,  implored Senators Collins (R) and King (I) not to support Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court – all with the calamitous backdrop of another controversial day of Judicial Committee hearings, an anonymous editorial blasting Trump, a new Woodward book and with neither Senator willing to articulate their views under the situation, clergy voices rose high above all the chaos that threatens to destroy this democracy, if it continues unchecked by the separation of powers.

The compassionate voices stood in sharp contrast to the shrillness of the debates going on all over the nation.  Speaker after speaker spoke with authority on the likely loss of the ACA, environmental concerns and the bias of the current nomination process of Kavanaugh for starters. The Rev. Carolyn Lambert, pastor at Woodfoords Congregational Church, said that humans have been taking from the environment without giving back for far too long.  Judge Kavanaugh “is a nice guy, but he has voted against ‘settled law’ over and over.”  She was referring to his comment to Senator Collins concerning overturning Roe vs. Wade.  “There are some people who still put profits over people,….Jesus did not go out and ransack the government and ignore the needs of people,” she added.  In her introductory remarks, Rev. Jane Field said:  “Senator Collins, Senator King:  we are here to remind you that the Senate’s responsibility to ‘advise and consent’ on Supreme Court nominations exists to protect the people’s interests, NOT the President’s interests, NOT a political party’s interests…but the people’s interests.”  (See above left photo).

“This is a test of character for everyone involved.  Government of the people, by the people, for the people is in danger of perishing.  This is not about partisan politics.  This is a direct challenge to the integrity of our government,” Rabbi Joshua Chasan, told those assembled this afternoon.  Rev. Allen Ewing-Merrill, pastor of HopeGateway, and convener of the grassroots group Moral Movement Maine said that a close look at Judge Kavanaugh’s record provides extensive and indisputable evidence that his confirmation would pose serious threats to so many things our faith traditions call us to care about.  “We urge you and implore you to reject Kavanaugh’s nomination,” he concluded.

“There are disturbing elements in Brett Kavanaugh’s record.  He has given lip service to the importance of an independent judiciary.  We must not allow this to be the new normal.  The Supreme Court is one of the last bastions of the separation of powers that must be preserved.  This nomination is being rammed through without opposing opinions about  his qualifications getting the hearing they deserve,” said the Rev. `Jonathan Wright-Gray.

Some predict that because Collins’  approval rate is so low that she will not run for re-election. Therefore, she is free to continue to vote in the affirmative for judge’s such as Kavanaugh  – continuing her voting streak – since she will not have to answer to voters for her Senate seat again.

“The Maine Council of Churches is a non-partisan organization, so it speaks out about principles rather than supporting or opposing particular nominees.  As Senators King and Collins consider any nominee to the Supreme Court, we urge them to be guided by the principles, morals and values that we and thousands of people of faith here in Maine believe are critically important according,” to Rev. Jane Field.

About twenty (20) clergy from Old Town to Ocean Park attended the press conference and expressed their fears if Judge Kavanaugh is appointed to the Supreme Court.

Please visit  previous posts on “MMM” herein dated February 22, 2018 and January 1, 2018, December 7, and 8, 2017 for more background information.