Hotel Application Review for Fore Street Postponed, Again


A Rendering of a Proposed 3-Unit Condominium for 30 Fox Street.

Simon Norwalk, d/b/a Dyer Neck Development LLC., at Today’s Planning Board Meeting.

An application for a hotel project in the current parking lot next to the Hampton Inn on Fore Street was postponed for a second time today according to the planning board chair this evening.  The reason given was illness of one of the principles. The postponed application for the Level 111 Site Plan is for a four to six story single building with 126-“extended-stay hotel rooms and rooftop public bar, among other features.  Previously it was billed as a business hotel because of its location according to a spokesperson for the hotel last fall.

The entire site at 203 Fore Street was once the location of the Jordan Meats Co., a major employer in Portland.  The property was sold and Opechee Construction built the Hampton Inn on the location.  In May of 2010 an accidental but major fire destroyed much of what was left of the original Jordans.

A Level 111 Site Plan review for a 3-unit condominium at 30 Fox Street, currently a vacant lot, was pursued by the planning board this afternoon at a workshop. It would have one unit on the second floor and 2 two-story condos above that.  The upper units have decks on all sides of the top floor; the lower unit has a small deck.  The ground floor is accessed by a drive that is partly under the cantilevered building. The current building design presented by Evan Carroll, of Bild Architecture, is a second iteration of the building Carroll told the planning board.  The building design height is lower than it was in the first effort.  (The proposed building is at the corner of Fox and Winthrop Streets.)

Three neighbors spoke about their concerns for the project.  They involved the placement of the building on the lot, parking issues and general traffic in the area –  among others.  One of the speakers spoke of boundary issues, a subject that is not under the jurisdiction of the planning board. Chair Boepple recommended that the developer, Simon Norwalk, of Dyer Neck Development LLC, work with the neighbors regarding four issues she outlined, before their next presentation to the board.

Please see post herein dated November 1, 2017 for more background information on both proposals.