A Notice of Removal Coming on May 16 at 9:00 am Placed one of the Tents Yesterday Afternoon by Portland Police.

One of the Notices to Vacate Attached to One of the Tents Yesterday Afternoon by Portland Police Officers.
“They were here just long enough to issue removal notices to us,” came a woman’s voice from inside one of the tents at the homeless tent village behind Trader Joe’s on the Bayside Trail early yesterday afternoon. She was referring to Officer Dana and Officer Dan Knight who rides a bicycle while on duty in Portland. “I have no idea where I’m going,” she added. “They will just come and hunt us down again.”
A man inside another tent asked: “Is this a false alarm again or is it the real deal? We don’t know.”
Meanwhile, inside Trader Joe’s, two employess confirmed that the homeless tent village has not hurt the store’s business. “People still love us,” said one employee. The only change made is that the bathrooms have been locked to prevent the homeless from using them for drug administration. In a previous post herein, Mike an occupant of the tent village said that if the state had adequate drug recovery facilities, the population at this tent village would be far less than it is currently.
The Bayside Trail was originally built by the city years ago because it was anticipated that a major apartment building would be built on the adjacent property. That development never came to fruition and so the Trail remains largely unused..
Governor Janet T. Mills (D) office released a statement earlier this week on her intent to add an addidtional $10 million to her change package for municipalities such as Porlland for financial assistance in dealing with the homeless population across the state. However, city spokeswoman Jessica Grondin did not respond to several inquiries yesterday by this blogger on how the city is likely to use this funding and whether this homeless group will benefit from this funding. Nor did she acknowledge receipt of the inquiries from this blogger.
Is this another example of the city’s deraliction of duty?
Please visit post herein dated May 9, 2023 for more information on the Governor’s anticipated additional funding change package.