Hilltop Coffee Shop Opening at Former BarLola on Monday

100 Congress Street, New Site of the Hilltop Coffee Shop

100 Congress Street, New Site of the Hilltop Coffee Shop

By Carol (Scoop) McCracken  (Post # 1,694)

The HIlltop Coffee Shop will be moving to its third location on Munjoy Hill, over the weekend, according to Stella Hernandez, co-owner.  It will be open for business at its new location, 100 Congress Street,  on Monday morning at 6:00 am. The menu is expected to be exactly the same as it is now.  “We are thrilled to be in such a beautiful space with so many windows and so much light,” said Hernandez in an email to mhn.com.

The restaurant to replace the Hilltop Coffee Shop probably won’t be open until this summer stated an employee of the business.   A lot of construction is needed before it can be opened for business. The first Hilltop Coffee Shop was located across Congress Street in the space now occupied by Willa Wirth’s jewelry studio.

The high-end BarLola closed its doors late last year.  Both businesses are/were owned by Stella and Guy Hernandez, Hill residents.