Hill’s Rosemont Market Robbed; Indignant Produce Buyer, Joe Fournier, Seeks Justice!


An Indignant Joe Fournier Seeks Justice!

By Carol McCracken (Post # 573)

Early this morning, the popular Rosemont Market & Bakery was broken into and robbed. The door windows for both the adjoining Hilltop Coffee Shop and the Rosemont were smashed and had to be replaced with plywood. $200. was stolen from the Rosement. The extent of the damage at the Hilltop is not known at this time, although it’s believed it also was robbed.

Joe Fournier, the indignant produce buyer for the Rosemont chain of organic stores, said this afternoon: “This robbery was an assault on the heart of this community.” He cited other businesses in the area which make it a close knit community. The break-ins were discovered by a delivery man for both businesses. He called the police who are conducting an investigation of the robbery. “We don’t know much at this time,” admitted Fournier.

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