Trumpy was diagnosed with COVID-19 72 hours ago stated Dr. Sean Conley, physician to the president, at a medical press conference outside Walter Reed National Medical Center early this afternoon. Trumpy was admitted to the Army hospital, located in Bethesda, Maryland, late yesterday afternoon where he will remain for a few days.
If that statement is correct, it contradicts the public disclosure early Friday morning that Trumpy had tested positive for the COVID-19. In other words, with Dr. Conley’s time-line, Trumpy was actually diagnosed with the COVID-19 Wednesday morning, rather than the next day. Disturbingly, Trumpy maintained a busy schedule of fund raising, despite his diagnosis. Wednesday, the time of his alleged diagnosis by his doctor, came following the “shit-show” of a debate between Trumpy and former VP Joseph Biden who is Trumpy’s challenger in the upcoming presidential race a month from today. Biden has stated on several occasions recently that he was never informed of Trumpys diagnosis by his campaign – rather he learned of the diagnosis as the public did – early Friday morning. So far, VP Biden and his wife, have tested negative for the COVID-19.
If the timeline described above and by Dr. Conley was correct, has there been an attempt to cover up his fund draising efforts to try and protect his image as an incumbent who is panicked about his re-election bid?
At the press conference, Dr. Conley refused to be specific about Trumpy’s vital signs. He refused to give his fever, lung damage, use of oxygen and other vital signs when asked. The doctor said: “The President is doing great. He’s got plenty of work and he’s doing it.” But, Dr. Gupta on cable news charged the doctor with not fully answering questions posed to him by the press. Although Dr. Conley said Trumpy is not on oxygen currently, he refused to answer whether or not Trumpy had ever been on oxygen – since his diagnosis on Wednesday. (It was later disclosed that Trumpy did receive “supplemental oxygen” on Friday). Dr. Conley avoided answering other pertinent questions regarding Trumpy’s condition. Dr.Gupta, on cable news, expressed concern about the Doctor’s “evasiveness to answer basic questions.”
Noteworthy, following the medical press conference, pool reporters received an anonymous report that Trumpy’s medical condition was not the rosy picture described at the press conference by Dr. Conley. The anonymous report said that Trumpy was admitted to the Army hospital with “concerning vitals” and there was “no clear pathway to his recovery” at this time. The unidentified document to the press pool said the next 48 hours will be critical. (The unidentified document referred to above has since been attributed to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows).
Meanwhile, an event in the Rose Garden at the White House a week ago today, last Saturday, to introduce Trumpy’s choice to the Supreme Court has been labeled a “super spreader.” Attendees were close together and the Trumpy family, among other Republicans, were not wearing masks.
Additionally, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and an ally of Trumpy’s, has acknowledged that he has tested positive for the COVID-19. Christine was a member of the team that prepped Trumpy for the Tuesday debate with VP Biden in Ohio. Christie has previously stated that no one in the room prepping Trumpy was wearing a face mask. Other Republicans have likewise tested positive for the coronavirus. They include: Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel, Senator Mike Lee of Utah and North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis.
Please see post herein dated October 2, 2020 on the diagnosis of Trumpy and the first lady.